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Stripe Payment

Orchard Core Commerce aims to support multiple payment providers, but at this time Stripe is the only supported implementation. This document describes how to set it up for testing, but if you just want to try out the checkout flow you can use the cards listed below without any configuration.

Test data for Stripe Payment

API keys

Stripe API uses a secret-publishable key pair. The following API keys are public sample test keys, they can be found in Stripe's documentation.

  • Publishable key: pk_test_51H59owJmQoVhz82aWAoi9M5s8PC6sSAqFI7KfAD2NRKun5riDIOM0dvu2caM25a5f5JbYLMc5Umxw8Dl7dBIDNwM00yVbSX8uS
  • Secret key: sk_test_51H59owJmQoVhz82aOUNOuCVbK0u1zjyRFKkFp9EfrqzWaUWqQni3oSxljsdTIu2YZ9XvlbeGjZRU7B7ye2EjJQE000Dm2DtMWD
  • Webhook signing key: Uniquely generated by the Stripe CLI as described below, it looks like whsec_453d1046fc31377b7a93...

Publishable and secret keys are just publicly available test keys. Don't submit any personally identifiable information in requests made with this key.

You can obtain your own test keys from the Stripe dashboard. You can find them at Dashboard → Developers → API keys.

Webhook signing key

It is not needed, but recommended to use webhook. Otherwise, if there is a problem with redirecting the user, the payment confirmation will fail.

There is no publicly available webhook signing key. Use your own API keys and Webhook key. Create your own at Dashboard → Developers → Webhooks.

Read about webhook status codes here. Our webhook endpoint returns 200 if the request was received without an exception. It does not mean that it has been processed. It returns 400 if there was an exception inside the webhook controller. Everything else comes from Stripe itself.

Webhook local testing

  1. Use/Install Stripe CLI.
  2. Login to your stripe account: stripe login
  3. Set the endpoint for listening e.g: stripe listen --forward-to https://localhost:5001/stripe-webhook
  4. Copy and save the webhook key on the /Admin/Settings/StripeApi page.
  5. Test the payment.


There are available test cards that can be found in Stripe's documentation.

There are multiple test cards that can simulate any scenario, including error codes. Here are two examples:

Brand Number CVC Date Result
Visa 4242424242424242 Any 3 digits Any future date success
Visa 4000000000009995 Any 3 digits Any future date card_declined, insufficient_funds
Visa 4000000000003220 Any 3 digits Any future date success, goes through 3DS authentication

Demo video about Stripe Payment integration.

Last update: January 21, 2023